I’m back (again!)

November 17th, 2007

It has been ages since I last wrote a post, so apologies for generally being slack. I have had a fair amount on my plate so to speak recently, not the least of which was moving house. Well, on that front, I am in, and slowly but surely unpacking and getting myself settled. Can’t believe how long it takes to unpack everything.
The cats are really annoyed with me, and Betty did not stop whining and mewing for the first 24 hours. They are both used to having the freedom to go outside pretty much as and when, but I have to keep them in for a couple of weeks in the new place, and they are not happy! Boo is disgusted that she has to use the litter tray again (she’s more of an outdoor kinda cat- alfresco poo shall we say, or shall I stop before I go too far on this one….) and her face said everything when she had to use it on the first night. If I could have captured that look it would have been great. She’s pretty hard to get a really decent photo of as she’s entirely black (apart from a couple of white ear – hairs) and I am sure that me crouching down with a camera in her face would have really sent her over the edge…
David, bless him, has been trying to get the “Pinky and Boo” (http://www.pinkyandboo.co.uk) website up and running. I came in the other day to find he had started on it, although his aesthetic abilities did not reflect the kind of thing I am aiming for, so I sat him down and showed him some of the sites I like the style of, and how I have my blog looking, so hopefully if I do they pretty and fluffy bits, he can do the coding behind it. Watch this space as it should be up and running very soon.
I have some more photos of the stock that will be going into the webstore soon, but since I cannot find the USB cable to upload the photos to the PC they willhave to wait for another time! I also need to finish off some of the seasonal stuff I have been making such as Chrsitmas bunting and embroidered stockings, so I had better get my act together!

Right, after a brief visit, I am going to stick some cheesy pop on loud and try and unpack yet another box. Back soon, I promise x

3 Responses to “I’m back (again!)”

  1. Pamelaon 17 Nov 2007 at 8:40 pm

    Cheesy pop, oh yeah, perfect for unpacking. Now, who will we find in your CD rack? Steps? Aqua? Kylie? Nah, I bet it’s Pondlife, er, sorry, I mean Westlife.

    Congrats on getting moved at last.

  2. Cathyon 18 Nov 2007 at 7:13 pm

    Congratulations on moving. Hope the cats settle in soon. I’m sure the cheesy pop will help! I’m looking forward to seeing the website.
    Cathy X

  3. Nickyon 20 Nov 2007 at 10:05 pm

    Hi Claire, thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I adore your embroideries, your stall looks fantastic, but like you say.. you have to pick your audience. Some people just won’t pay for the time you have put into making something. I think its all wondeful, good luck with it all xx

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