What’s new, pussycat?
Claire October 30th, 2013
As per usual I fall off the blogging waggon despite my best intentions (and a lot of IT issues) but he’s to having another go!
There’s been a few changes round here since the last time I blogged. I’m no longer teaching craft evening classes – a combination of time and energy mainly, and restrictions on how many people need to be enrolled to make a course viable have made it harder to teach. This is combined with the college needing me to update my teaching qualification, which kind of made the decision for me. I do miss it, and have done a couple of private crochet workshops since then, which made me realise how much I missed it, and want to organise more of these in the new year.
I’ve been trying to take more photographs, and have been on 2 day courses in how to use my digital SLR camera, with Line and Light (who I would highly recommend), as well as playing a bit more with the vintage cameras I have from my parents. I’m far from being an expert, but I am certainly a lot more confident at knowing what the camera does!
We have new (fluffy) additions to the family in the shape of 3 lovely, cheeky chickens. More about them another time (and there will be another time this time as I’ve already got the post written and ready to publish!)
And last, but certainly not the least, we’ve started a new branch of the Women’s Institute in Sherwood. There used to be a branch in Sherwood years ago but it closed, I think because it’s members were ageing and there weren’t many new members coming along. I spoke to Linda, our WI adviser about setting one up last November. There were lots of people interested in going to the WI, but who wanted something that they could ideally walk to, particularly important if you have children or other commitments that restrict the time you are available. Once our County WI had approved it, we had 3 meetings arranged to see if there was enough interest in the group to make it viable, and on the first, very manic night in January we had 60 people there!
The room I had booked at the United Reformed Church had a capacity of 50 – plenty,we assumed. We ended up borrowing extra chairs and pretty much shoe-horning them in. I knew it was busy as I was making teas for everyone, when my lovely neighbour popped her head in to the kitchen and told me people were queueing out of the door! It was quite overwhelming that so many people wanted to find out more. We have so far 42 members, and have had a lot of visitors too. I was honoured to be elected as President and I’m immensely proud of being part of a diverse, lively and fun group that’s grown so quickly. I have a fantastic committee along with me too, and although we are “talking shop” even our committee meetings are fun and go on for probably far too long!
Here’s an delightfully unflattering picture of me signing the official constitution and rules making us a WI:
In fact the amount of pictures taken that night is the only thing that’s really taken me out of my comfort zone as I much, much prefer being the other side of the lens!
We made it into the local paper too -
It’s been a busy year so far, and I’ve met and made friends with some amazing people. Work has sometimes(often) got in the way, especially when it comes to having a holiday – the only time I have been away this year so far was in late May/ early June we had a lovely week with everyone over in Northern Ireland, and I’ve been ready for another break for months, but that’s not going to happen any time soon. Next year I intend to change that and get out more!
Thanks for stopping by – will be back again soon x
- furry things , nottingham , stuff , teaching , Womens Institute
- Comments(4)
Glad you are blogging again! You’ve been a busy bee and we have to catch up soon before another year goes by!
It’s so nice to see all of these lovely things from this past year on your blog hon and you should be so proud of all of the work you’ve put into the Sherwood WI as it has certainly paid off!
Looking forward to seeing the chooks on here too
We are definitely overdue a catch up pretty lady
Thanks hon, it’s felt like a long year at times so it’s nice to have a look back and see the good things. I wish work was as easy as the WI – think that would be my dream job then!
Chook post coming up soon!