New hobby and news
Claire June 19th, 2009
For the last couple of weeks I have been dipping a (rather hesitant at first) toe into bobbin lace making. Sue who is one of the Stitched Up regulars is an incredibly talented lace maker, and brought along a spare pillow and bobbins and encouraged us to have a play. Now, when Sue does something she does it with such confidence that you could be forgiven in thinking that it’s easy. She even makes bobbin lace look easy. Now to be fair the way Sue explained it it wasn’t as complicated as I thought it was, as you only work on 4 bobbins at a time (get me – instant expert eh?)
Here’s my first piece – a sample of the different stitches. I did find myself talking to the bobbins for the order they go in (although it’s not the only thing I talk to to keep in line!). Sue then scared me by getting me to try out a pattern.
Now I love the leaf thing in the middle, and the use of a different coloured thread makes things easier to see, but the edge, well I still don’t feel that confident that I know what I am doing when Sue isn’t on hand to talk me through it!
What has been good is that I haven’t had this level of enjoyment for something new in ages, and it is good to remember that. One of the nicest things when I have been teaching is that people are enthusiastic about the things I have been showing them on the course that I take for granted as I have been doing them for ages, like embroidery or sewing on a machine. It’s that excited, clap your hands together feeling you get when you try something new that I haven’t had for ages.
And now for something completely different – Pinky and Boo will soon be moving to a new home. I have had the domain Pinky and Boo for ages (over 2 years I believe….) and nothing has ever really been done with it, but now Vicky is sticking all the stuff that needs to be on there, and making it work as well as look pretty – I spent a lovely afternoon with her last weekend looking at fonts for the logo and pretty colours for the site, as well as what will go on it – it will be a home for the blog as well as having an e shop and other bits and bobs on it. Vicky‘s another one who makes things look easy… Anyway, more progress on that soon. Til then, here’s some gratuitous cute kitty shots xoxo
- crafts , furry things , lace , pinky and boo
- Comments(4)
Love the action shot of you lace making. It looks like your hands are working really quickly! Well anybody is quicker than me at it. You've picked it up really well.
Thanks for the link hon, looking forward to getting the new P&B site live too
Cute pics of the kitties x
You look like a lacing making speed queen in that action shot!
My RSI has flared up again by the way – had to use my left hand to lift my right hand onto the table today in order to mark some scripts. Pathetic or what?
ready for more lacy bits next wednesday? lets see if I can get you well and truly addicted
Pamela-good to see you are still with us, I hope you can some day join us again- so you have a top whorl spindle ? would love to try one sometime.
Sue – I have a whole drawer full of top whorl spindles, so please come round and try them all!