What type are you?

July 7th, 2008

I know I set out for this to be a craft blog, but since I have a distinct lack of hours in the day (hence the sparce blog posts) to do anything, I haven’t taken many pics, so I thought I would share this with you. I found this pootling round other people’s blogs and since I always like doing the learning style type questionnaires, I thought I would have a bash.

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.

You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules.

Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.

You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You’re quite the storyteller!

In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart.

You often don’t follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts.

At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do.

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding

When other people don’t get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused

So come on, those of you who fancy it – what type are you? xoxo

What’s on your iPod?

June 26th, 2008

I thought I would do a bit of a cheerful post in the hope that it will make me feel more cheery – this has been a hard week so far, for lots of reasons that I will not go into here, but I hope that our run of bad luck is soon to be ending! David reckons we’re saving all our good Karma for the wedding – call me strange, but I would rather have a drip feed effect – an OK wedding with a little less of the bad times in between!
Anyhoo, to try and distract myself from having to clean up a blackbird that had been torn to pieces on my lawn this morning (lots of cats on the prowling last night, including my pair, so I don’t know which one did it, but I’m not impressed) and from the sh!te week so far I have been listening to my iPod lots, and it got me to thinking about the random selection I have on there at the minute. I also wonder when I see people listening to theirs, what they are tuned in to… I thought I would hit “shuffle” and see what songs came up on mine, and share them with you (since I have nothing better to do really…..)
The cutter – Echo and the Bunnymenbit of a relic from my days floating round wearing lots of black being a goth – I still think it looks so cool, but I can’t be bothered really, and lazy goths just aren’t good….

Ship of Fools – Erasure - love Erasure – always have. ‘Nuff said.

What can you do for me – Utah Saints - bit of an odd one but it’s upbeat and takes me back. Makes the journey to work quicker. The Prodigy and Chemical Brothers are good for this too!

Stayin‘ Alive - The Bee Gees - that needs no introductions or explanations, like Abba. So there!

Sunshine of your love – Creamwhen I was about 14 I started really liking 70′s stuff like Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, and I discovered Cream at the same time, thanks to my brother, one of the few bits of music that we both liked. He used to be a massive Status Quo fan, even in a band playing their hits – maybe this explains something about me and they way I turned out…..?

Killing in the Name – Rage against the Machine - good if you are in a temper – they played this in the student union on my first night away from home when I went to Uni.

True Faith – New Order – always been a fan of New Order, and I also loved Joy Division – I played this a lot the summer I went to Uni (1994) so it always reminds me of then

Pour some sugar on me – Def Leppard – I probably shouldn’t comment, or indeed admit to this one, but you have to have some cheesy rock on there somewhere, don’t you? Or maybe it’s just me….

Never let me down again – Depeche Mode - one of the best birthdays I had was my 30th – David had bought us tickets to see Depeche Mode in Birmingham the night before – I had been a fan since Violator came out, but had never managed to see them – they were AWESOME! We then went to a club night that’s organised in conjunction with the gig, and they played nothing but Depeche Mode – I was in heaven!

Motorcycle Emptiness – Manic Street Preachersanother one that reminds me of Uni

Add it up – Violent Femmes - big VF fan – a band I discovered at Uni. David’s not keen, but we can’t agree on everything can we?

I’ll stop now – At this rate I will go through the entire playlist! Anyway, it’s over to you – what are you listening to?xoxo

My new obsession (and other ramblings of a tired mind..)

June 20th, 2008

Is it me or do other people develop obsessions for things – recently it’s been all the re -runs we have had of Sex and the City, which is made even better by having Sky+ so I can record whilst David is watching something non girly. He doesn’t mind me watching it, but it’s not quite the same as I know he doesn’t like it (and thinks SJP looks like a horse… which is mean!). But even more urgent than that obsession is Pushing Daisies – love, love, love – I am so envious of Anna Friel’s clothes – so beautifully retro and 50′s, she always looks sickeningly glam. And it’s kind of fairytale-in-a-messed-up-way, which is a guaranteed way to earn Brownie points in my book. Anyway, I am probably unhealthily obsessed with it, but never mind – if you haven’t watched – well, where have you been?!
I got a lovely parcel when I returned from the craft fair (can’t believe a month has gone by since the last one – and I can’t wait to work part time so I am not going crazy trying to get things ready in my “spare time” – 2 weeks now – hurrah!) which was my swap for the Russian Doll swap I joined in – I haven’t finished mine, and I haven’t got the camera (David has it with him whilst he’s in Holland) so I can’t show you pics, but I love the bag and doll Clare sent me.

The craft fair today was slow, but I managed to make something, and my Etsy sales paid for the booking, which was good. Haven’t got any decent pics again, but I made some new aprons and tea towels with prints on them - I have spent a lot of time with Bubble Jet Set so when the camera is back with me I will have a bit of a Show and Tell for you.
Sorry if this is a bit of a rambling post – I have had 5 hours sleep, and been on my feet all day – I am not going to try and make other things for tomorrow, I have enough and am happy to take orders, and I can’t face anything else for a few hours. In fact I am going to have a ginger biscuit, a glass of milk and go to bed. ‘Night xoxo

A dress, some food, a film and lots of laughs

June 9th, 2008

That pretty much sums up yesterday for me – my bridesmaids and I met to choose their dresses (finally scraped the money together! – doesn’t help when work haven’t paid £140 in expenses either….), have some food and watch a film.
I’m starting to get excited about the wedding now – it’s starting to seem a bit more real now (Duh – Claire finally gets with the programme!) and in between my mates trying on dresses, I tried on a load of tiaras and random hats (love trying hats on – when I was younger I used to wear a lot of hats, although not all at the same time…) and believe me, some of them were random. We managed to find dresses for them both with ease but are waiting for one to come in stock for the size we need so that’s good. They have both got black prom dresses, one in duchesse satin, and one in tafetta I am happy, they are happy – we’re all happy. I know a lot of people have looked at me oddly when I told them that the bridesmaids are in black, but I think it will look chic and elegant, and on a more practical note, at least they could possibly get some more wear out of them rather than being stuck in their wardrobes forevermore.
Watching Sex and the City was a wierd one – I love the programme and missed it when it finished, but still pick holes in it. I figured before we went in that it would be a “marmite” film – I would either love it or I would hate it. If you haven’t seen it (and do, it is worth seeing just don’t expect it to be just like the series – it isn’t) I won’t spoil the plot for you, but it left me thinking about weddings and why people get married, and especially the bit leading up to a wedding. When I get stressed (which is becoming increasingly more often) I sometimes suggest to David that we just skip it all, go to a registry office and have done with it. I won’t, but I have to admit it is tempting. I suppose the wedding has to reflect why you are getting married as much as the people who are being married. I don’t know what ours will say about us, but I am still determined to not get caught up in the “you must…” mentality. The only people who can insist on what we must do, is ourselves…. Cos that is the point to it all. ‘Nuff said I suppose… The film did make me giggle quite a lot, which was just what I needed after what was a very long week at work.
On a lighter note, I have borrowed a sewing machine from the ladies of the Textile Workshop, where we have our little craft group each week, and on their advice I will be taking me sewing machine back to where it came from – apparantly loads of people have had to and there were even rumours of the distibutors in trouble… Watch this space to see if I get a refund! I think I will be buying the one I have borrowed as it’s lovely and sews without complaint (which really is the point of having a sewing machine….) So many people have said to use my mam’s old machine for embroidery, which is what I think I will do, as I have spare bobbin cases I can loosen the tension on and have a play….
Thanks for the transfer love – it’s been good to spread the wealth, so to speak. There are loads more I haven’t scanned in, and I am waiting for another bundle I won to be delivered, so watch this space! If any of you are interested, I am going to be having a go at the designing a new banner for the Feeling Stitchy blog – I’ll post on my progress when I have some! It looks like fun and it will be great to see other people’s work.

Hope that you are enjoying the sunshine whatever you are up to xoxo

Transfer love

June 5th, 2008

Thanks for all the lovely Etsy comments guys – you are great (even though my head is swelling somewhat!)- so far I’ve not had many takers, but I have scoped out a shop in Nottingham that’s willing to sell my stuff. I’ve been running round like a headless chicken the last week or so – had a handover with the colleague I will be covering for in the new role and that showed me just how much work I need to get done… Oh, and I broke my sewing machine. Trying to sew a denim skirt which was fine til I get to the seams, and have knocked the timing out. Since I have been spending most of my money at work (on work I may add – trains to London early in the morning aren’t cheap, neither is a seedy hotel in Kings Cross…) I really don’t want to pay to have it fixed. I emailed a guy who left some advice about fixing the timing on your machine on different sewing forums, and bless him he sent me a list of instuctions so I canhopefully fix it myself. He even sent me some instructions on how to fix the feed dog drop on my mam’s old machine- what a star! Being without a sewing machine has made me feel like I am trying to do things with one hand tied behind my back, or something like that. Anyway, if I get it fixed, I will let you know and put instructions on so other people can do it too.

One thing I have spent money on (albeit not very much) is a bundle of vintage transfers from eBay – there haven’t been many come up til now that I have wanted to bid on, til these. The seller didn’t put a great picture up, and they didn’t mention all the transfers that were in it or I reckon I would’ve had a struggle to have got it – there are loads! There’s even some more of the “Bluebirds and Blossom” one I posted about earlier. I have been through them and am trying to go through and scan them in for all to share – here’s one I thought was especially sweet; if you want the rest – go have a look on the Flickr site xoxo

Etsy update

May 28th, 2008

At long last! I have been meaning to update the Etsy shop in so long – I really have neglected it – check back over the next few days to see even more new items being listed xoxo

Just popping in to tell you…

May 24th, 2008

That I got the job! Hurrah! I found out yesterday when I was travelling back on the train, although the signal kept going and I will need to discuss it further with my new boss next week. Maybe now, once David has finished using the camera I can update my little shop and get all the Pinky and Boo stuff back on track. Thanks for all the good wishes – you guys are great xxx

Thrifty finds

May 21st, 2008

Thanks for the craft fair love – muchio apprecio! There’s 2 main things I took form the weekend (apart from cash of course!) and that was 1) how nice crafters are and how talented – if you are shopping for handmade things nowadays you are spoiled for choice – and they’re great for having a natter to – bonus! And 2) I have some great mates! I sometimes feel like a Billy no mates, but this weekend proved me wrong – you know who you are!
I haven’t been capable of doing much since then, but I did pick up the “Millie” cardi by Alicia Paulson I started way back in February – felt it was time I did something for me for a change, so a little crochet with soft wool and a large hook was just the ticket this weekend.
Anyway, I haven’t shown you many thrifty finds recently, so I thought I would remedy that one. Rach scored me some beauties in the blue and white pottery line including the big coffee jug, so I thought I would show you the expanding collection of that. We’re only missing one jug that was a casualty of a cluttered worktop. I also picked these Jam/ Marmalade pots up last week for £1.25 each - I thought they were so cute. I washed them when I got home as they were in need of a clean, but some of the strawberry came away – I thought that they were glazed, but it turns out they are not, and the stawberries are painted on. Never mind… And I couldn’t resist this little cutie for 50p – Victoria Plum was one of my favourites as a child and I think she’s got such as sweet face.
To finish up here’s a gratuitous cat shot - Stella somehow managed to wedge her fat backside in the small space when I removed one of the sideboard drawers to clean it out. Mischief!
BTW I have an interview for the job I want on Friday – hopefully by the time I next post I could have some good news! xoxo

Craft fair day 2

May 17th, 2008

I don’t mean to moan, as I had a good day, but I ACHE! From head to toe I feel shattered. Even my hair hurts, if that makes sense….But I had a good day. I made a bit more than yesterday, and it felt like a steady stream of customers rather than big gaps. Loads of the other stall holders were complaining that it was quiet, and that it wasn’t normally like that, and they expected to take more money. I was just happy to be honest that people liked my stuff so much that they parted with their cash for it! (How easily pleased am I?!). I can’t be bothered with a long post today, so sorry. Here’s some better pictures of the stall – I think it looked better today with the vintage quilt backdrop and was better laid out, and I am happy (apart from Gaynor my friend who insisted I needed to be in the picture when I really didn’t want to be and wasn’t looking my best by a long shot…), so thank you to all of you who have bought my bits in the past, this weekend, and whenever, and thank you so much for the good wishes, I appreciate it xoxo

Craft fair day 1

May 16th, 2008

Back again after yet another bloggy break – feel like I should be writing lines out as punishment – “Must be a better blogger”
“Must be a better blogger”
“Must” – I’m bored now, but you get the point! I have been spending what feels like every waking moment making things and packing things and generally worrying about whether my stuff would sell. I had 4 hours sleep on Weds evening and worked til midnight last night, up again at 6:30 and pretty much getting straight again on the sewing machine to finish off my bunting for the stall….. I am so tired I have reached the “I can’t get warm” stage. So tonight, instead of pushing myself to do more I am going to have a bath, finish off a couple of bits of hand sewing for tomorrow and then have an early night. I haven’t been very pleasant to be around recently, so if you are reading this and know me in real life, I am sorry. Normal service will be resumed soon!
I placed a lot of pressure on myself for this craft fair, mainly because I need to be able to pay for the honeymoon, especially so now I have been told I may be (read: probably) made redundant in July (month before the wedding – great!) so I need to make money, basically. I have applied for a secondment to a more strategic post within the same organisation, which would be working 3 days a week, leaving me 2 days to do Pinky and Boo stuff, which would be wonderful if I got it.
I had been to the same organiser’s event recently in another part of Nottingham to see how it was set up, and there have been a number of “urban myths” flying around about just how good this craft fair is, some people making £600 in a weekend. Now, that is a lot of money and would see me rightly. So, the pressure got to me. I chilled out nicely with the Stitched Up ladies on Wednesday, and have had some great support from Vicky and Pamela in particular (thanks guys!x) but still been manic, mainly wondering whether I would have enough stuff to sell (after a conversation with someone on Weds who worried she hadn’t got enough) but the amount that was rammed into Vicky’s car today, and the fact I wouldn’t put all my stuff out showed I didn’t need to worry. However, I only managed to have my camera phone on me to show you what the stall looked like – proper photos tomorrow. The walls of the marquee were filthy, so tomorrow I will be taking some sheets and bits to cover them up, and probably move the way I have displayed stuff. Apparently Fridays are a bit quiet, but Saturday is great, especially as it coincides with the fortnightly farmers’ market – more people who are interested in buying up pretty thing hopefully. I made back the weekends’ site fee and the same and half again, so I am happy for day one. The otheer bonus to it being quiet was chatting to some lovely people who make fantastic stuff, which made the day pass really quickly.

Anyway, I feel a lovely hot bath coming on, probably followed by a slice of lemon cake and an episode of Pushing Dasies I recorded last week….Back tomorrow xoxo

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