Archive for the tag 'pinky and boo'


July 10th, 2009

To my lovely new home.  It’s so nice here (wish my own real home was as easy to tidy up and decorate!!!) and I do hope you like it.  It’s quite a strange thing to have had it in my head for ages and then to see it all on screen in front of you.  It was a kind of “Oh, Hello there!” moment when I saw it, especially as it seemed to have a life of it’s own…

embroidery 013

Things are so busy at the moment – teaching workshops in the evening and tomorrow is the first of my summer school classes, as well as trying to get everything done for a craft fair next weekend.  And dealing with a severe garden obsession.  I decided one of the things I needed to do to help lose weight was to not cabbage in front of the TV sewing and eating chocolate, but instead spend a couple of hours in the garden of an evening, battling with snails and slugs and Japanese Knotweed, trying to make a lovely garden to enjoy.  More on that later.

Anyway, welcome, and hopfully you have enjoyed your stay xoxo

PS, if any of you need a recommendation for website design, Vicky and Jez are people that I would wholeheartedly recommend!