November 17th, 2008

Or that really should be “squeek”…. Look who has travelled over from Northern Ireland to come and live with me and keep my pins nice and safe. Eileen, my new granny sent this little lovely over along with a couple of kits to make them as she thought that they would look lovely on my stall, so thank you, I plan to take the kits with me on a long train journey to and from London on Thursday and get them made up.

After a manic week – combination of not feeling very well and needing to sew, sew, sew for the craft fairs the relief I feel as the end is in sight is immense. The Beeston fair was awful – really slow Thursday, a bit better Friday but still not great, and David managed til 1 on Saturday. However, he packed up early (after taking the princely sum of £7) as I was selling out at The Place. If you are one of the visitors that came to the event, you will know what a buzz it was. That’s what all craft fairs should be like, and restored my faith in myself and my little bits and bobs. Maybe it’s just me, but if you’re down (and hormonal, wich always helps…) then rejection of your things you have literally spent every waking moment putting together, makes you think it’s a personal rejection. Especially when I don’t think my prices are expensive….. Anyhoo, I feel like a new person after Saturday. The only shame was that I didn’t have a second to take pictures or have a look at the other stalls other than the ones around me that I could see from where I was, but a small price to pay really.

Better go, I have a cat to get in….. xoxo

5 Responses to “EEEK!”

  1. Elizabethon 17 Nov 2008 at 10:20 pm

    So glad to hear you did well at The Place – shame that Beeston was so bad though. I know what you mean about taking ‘non-sales’ personally, I feel just the same if I my handmade things on ebay don’t sell – it can sometimes be very disheartening.

  2. Guzzisueon 17 Nov 2008 at 10:21 pm

    you could feel the buzz as you walked in on Saturday, so pleased that you did so well :-) and your stall looked great, shame I didn’t think about the fact that my camera was in my bag!!

  3. Kathleen from Yesteryear Embroiderieson 24 Nov 2008 at 4:46 am

    Your little mouse is adorable. Glad you did well with your sell. It always makes one feel down when something doesn’t sell. I have had similiar things happen as well. I like selling on line better. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! blessings, Kathleen

  4. hannahandbellaon 24 Nov 2008 at 9:44 pm

    Hurah for sherwood craft fairs hoping to be part of it next time round. Well done and such a cute mousex

  5. sooziebeeon 24 Nov 2008 at 9:48 pm

    Hi Claire

    Sounds like you have been very busy. I didn’t realise you were at the Place, I went too to go and pick up some jewellery from Helen of ShereDesign, sorry I didn’t get to see you. Good luck with the rest of the fairs. Are you doing any shifts in the NCM shop?

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