I’m back – just!

September 2nd, 2008

Just a flying visit to say “Hi” and let you know I am still out there. Distinct lack of blogging before and since the wedding, and an even bigger lack of pics to show you.
Quick update for you – I am now officially Mrs McCurdy. After months of planning, blood, sweat and tears though it didn’t really turn out how I had hoped it would. I loved the dress (will show you a pic when I have them…), loved the wedding itself – the service was lovely and what shocks me the most is that I didn’t cry my way through the vows as I thought I would have), the food was fantastic and it was lovely seeing people at the wedding that had all made an effort to be there and contributed to make it happen. However the weather was foul (despite everyone getting sunburnt the day before the rain starting pretty much as soon as we stepped out of the church) , the DJ didn’t play pretty much anything we requested until I pestered him, and very few people danced, and amongst lots of other things, my hair wasn’t anything like I wanted so now I can’t help feeling a bit sad and disappointed when I look back on the day as a whole. Just goes to show – you cannot plan everything! I am very, very happy that we got married and I suppose I should just think of that, which was the point of the day, and the honeymoon in Dublin was lovely – just what we needed – sightseeing, food and time out. Too soon it’s back to the grind!
Sorry to moan, and looking back it seems pretty shallow to be moaning at all, but we had just planned what would be a day that we both wanted and one that all who came to the wedding would enjoy, but it simply didn’t happen like that. I will be back with the photos once I have them from my mate who took them and show you the dress etc, as well as some pics of Dublin. Til then xoxo

4 Responses to “I’m back – just!”

  1. Katyon 02 Sep 2008 at 4:10 pm

    Nothing ever goes exactly to plan, and in a year you’ll only remember how amazing it all was, and the bits that weren’t as planned will make you laugh (like the car that turned up to take us to our wedding, it was a horrible old maroon limo, no a/c, boiling hot – coz we were in Vegas, and floor to ceiling grey shag pile. Horrible. But I wish I had a photo of it, because now it makes me laugh just thinking about it)

    SHOW ME THE DRESS!!!!!! :D

  2. quiltdudeon 02 Sep 2008 at 8:23 pm

    Congrats on your big day. I echo what Katy said, you’ll look back on it and laugh at the bad and smile at the good and probably you were the only one to notice the bad bits having planned it so meticulously. If I were doing it all again (and maybe one day I will?) I’d change everything. I’m sure all your guests loved every minute and thought you were beautiful.
    x Clare

    Picture’s please x

  3. Vanessaon 04 Sep 2008 at 9:01 pm

    Welcome back, I’m sorry every thing did not go as planned, but it could of been worse I had to wait at the church doors for my In laws to get inside the church and then they pissed off to go to the chemist when all the photos were been taken so we had to delay the food for an hour. The reason i am telling you this is that all your planning cannot take into account all eventuallaities and as long as you enjoyed ourself and you are now happy been a Mrs, nothing else matters!

    Vanessa x

  4. Anna-Lisaon 07 Sep 2008 at 8:53 pm


    Congratulaions to you both! Sorry that eveything did not go to plan – but forget about it now and enjoy married life.

    Big hugs

    Anna-Lisa xxx

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